JUDICIARY Latest Features

CJ Tours Proposed Site for Construction of Mbarara Regional Court of Appeal
Delegation, led by Hon. Justice Owiny - Dollo, the Chief Justice (standing 2nd Right)

The goal for the construction of a regional Court of Appeal in Mbarara is steadily taking shape.

On Monday March 07, 2021, the Chief Justice, Hon. Justice Alfonse Chigamoy Owiny - Dollo, was led on a guided tour of the land by the Mbarara District Chairperson, Mr Tumwesigye Didas Tabaro and Mbarara City Mayor, Robert Mr Mugabe Kakyebezi in Kamukuzi Division, Mbarara.

The CJ was accompanied by the Principal Judge, Hon. Justice Dr Flavian Zeija, Permanent Secretary/Secretary to the Judiciary, Dr Pius Bigirimana and Chief Registrar, HW Sarah Langa Siu.

He thanked the officials for the kind gesture in ensuring that the Court of Appeal gets a permanent home in Mbarara and said that setting up of regional Courts of Appeal is part of Judiciary's transformational agenda to ensure that there is improved physical access to courts.

Posted 7th, March 2022
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